18 years helping Canadian businesses
choose better software

What Is BoardSpace?
BoardSpace organized documents, meetings, minutes, events and to-do lists for directors and managers of HOA, condo, charity and nonprofit boards.
Instead of using multiple tools such as email, share drive systems and spreadsheets, use a software that is purpose-built for volunteer boards and specifically designed for the workflow of board-led organizations.
Now integrated with TOPS Softare.
Who Uses BoardSpace?
Condos, HOAs, Housing Coops, Cooperatives, Community Associations, Not-for-Profits, Charities.
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Reviews of BoardSpace

BoardSpace is exactly what I hoped for, and then some
Comments: Note: I have no affiliation with BoardSpace or its team... I found this product on my own and independently advocate for it because it is that good, and at such a great price. If this review sounds too good to be true, it is more about the fact that BoardSpace has effectively managed my expectations. It does not overpromise and underdeliver. It does what is says, and it does it well.
Top line... BoardSpace makes for happier, more productive, easier-to-manage team members and meetings. There are so many things to like. Top 3 items: - 1. It makes managing the role of secretary so easy during board meetings. - 2. It makes the tasks between meetings so easy... minutes, future agendas, action items. - 3. It takes the sting out of asking people to do things. It has changed our ability to be effective. That last one is a big deal. By not asking people 'have you completed [task xyz] yet?' and instead having the system send out follow up reminders, I've noticed an increase in output and a decrease in time to complete... all on top of the fact that the entire process of 'following up with people' has been taken off the plate of a person and put in the hands of the system. This is so much more than a feature set, it changes the outcomes and behaviors of our team. Even the folks on our board who are NOT technically inclined (or interested, in some cases) are on board with it and like the effect it has had on our ability to be effective for our members.
The BoardSpace team is open to hearing ideas, and I've shared them! The more users get on the system and ask for the same things, the more easily the BoardSpace team will be able to dedicate resources to those enhancements. Is the system as slick as other multi-million dollar funded apps and platforms? No. Some of the navigational features could be more slick. But there is always room for improvement... and speaking from experience the BoardSpace team is open to, and desires to, make improvements that benefit the user base. What I can say about it is the BoardSpace system has enabled us to get out of the process of managing things in spreadsheets and emails, and empowers our board to own its processes rather than being fully (and overly) reliant on our property managers (we are a non-profit condo association).
Boardspace improved our communication and efficiency for a reasonable cost
Comments: A positive experience. Members with good computer/typing skills adapted most quickly but others caught on through use. We renewed our subscription as the product was helpful and we foresee using it more and more as our experience with it increases.
It offers a good way to deal efficiently with meeting minutes. Also the ability to add comments to the Agenda items that are restricted to being viewed by Board members only before/during/after meetings is helpful. Uploading documents in groups is easy enough. Task reminders work well as deadlines/scope are modifiable as circumstances change and they reduce the need for endless email messages. Able to add and modify Board member profiles easily.
Does require a bit of planning and agreement as to how to name tags and attach them to documents for effective searches. You need to foresee what kind of searches you will do. Adding/removing/modifying Tags is easy, which is good. Able to control which users can access different types of documents so more sensitive documents are not public.
BoardSpace - a fantastic addition to the board portal marketplace
Comments: Boardspace has helped me streamline my minute-taking at a small not-for-profit, and made it quick and easy to upload reference material into a document storage common library for all the directors. A fun and simple 'tagging' feature allows one to quickly add some meta-date to help organize and classify the documents.
BoardSpace is a product designed and developed by a real life end user. It was conceived following the many frustrations of attempting to manage the volumes of information created in the course of running a board of directors. The best products emerge from this problem-solving stand-point, and BoardSpace can help you address the challenges of keeping a board of directors on task, and on track - by providing a common space for managing information throughout its life cycle: creation/collaboration, document management/classifying, meeting and minutes support, and the preservation of corporate memory across the terms of individual directors for long-term access. No one will ever say again 'where are those Minutes' again, or 'I know we passed a resolution some time last year, where is it?'.
There is not much not to like about Boardspace. It is continually evolving and responding to the needs of its clients with new developments and features. Being a relatively young product, there is inevitably a few 'bugs' to discover and report back to the development team. However, the response from Boardspace is quick and efficient to fix any issues, and the price point more than makes up for this.
Secure option for non-profits
Comments: A great option for secure software for non-profit boards.
The software is easy to use and navigate. Additionally, has lots of storage space.
Takes time to learn the labeling/filing of files.
Boardspace Management Software Review
It’s been very positive. I particularly like the Action List, Smart Minutes & Agenda setting & tagging documents. The Planner can be annoying but the concept is great.
The excellent customer service cannot be understated.
Customer support has been excellent. The goal of streaming lining volunteer board records management is met. We see the benefit in saving precious volunteer time while keeping close track of business processes.
The functionality was dynamic this year so on occasion it was frustrating. When we raised an issue though it was quickly taken into consideration
Increased Board efficiency
Storing documents to BoardSpace leaves posterity on projects that will be reviewed in future. The intent and decision reasons are captured in a readily accessible place for future board members.
Having the operational and other documents in one central place reduces the paper at board meetings. Also allows for previewing material prior to meetings, streamlining the questions that arise.
Being able to access BoardSpace and documents during meetings means that everyone can follow along on their devices or laptops.
BoardSpace saves time at board meetings and practically eliminates reply-all emails and attachments. The smart minutes feature is fantastic. Setting up committees as additional boards facilitates committee organization and task monitoring.
We have not yet encountered anything that we don’t like.
Boardspace Review
Comments: Reduces the amount of time spent issuing meeting documents. All the meeting dates are outlined, attachments icon is where all the documents are stored for that meeting. Very easy for directors to navigate and they have mentioned they really enjoy the board portal web version.
Ability to upload attachments for a meeting easily and search capability using tags. One location for all board related items and committees, where action items are stored in one spot, and reminder features. The planner is a useful tool as well for recurring functions for AGM and financial year end etc.
Ability to customize agendas to insert facilitator name and agenda times.
Outstanding Platform for board operations management
Comments: Simplifies meeting prep. Standardized meeting conduct, generated a really good draft minutes, and provided a clean easy to use interface for handling follow up actions within the meeting. The entire board was impressed with ease of use, and felt that it improved the meeting.
It does exactly what is claimed, and does it well. Able to figure out core functionality in less than 2 hours without any training.
The ability for board members to insert their own motions would be an enhancement. That was the only thing that I felt was potentially lacking.
Taking BoardSpace for a Test Run
While using BoardSpace I found the feature that I enjoyed the most was the fact that everything was easily accessible and organized how I needed it to be. The software was easy to use and user friendly.
There is nothing immediate that I disliked about using BoardSpace.
Condo Board - using BoardSpace
Comments: Great service! All our problems have been addressed and resolved quickly.
Secure place to store all our documents - while controlling which of our members has access to which documents.
User interface continues to improve. Capturing minutes took us a few tries to figure it all out (now improved).