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RT Connect
What Is RT Connect?
RT Connect is a comprehensive medical software that combines EHR, Oncology Information Systems, Radiology Image Viewer, PACS, and secondary check of monitor units in radiotherapy. It streamlines the cancer treatment process with features like Dicom Worklist, image merging tools, and HL7 FIHR & DICOM interoperability. Improve collaboration, data management, and treatment planning with RT Connect, all while maintaining robust security measures for patient data protection.
Who Uses RT Connect?
RT Connect targets oncology clinics, radiotherapy departments, and hospitals to streamline cancer treatment. Suitable for oncologists, radiation therapists, radiologists and healthcare professionals.
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RT Connect
Reviews of RT Connect

Great for medical related businesses
Customers may quickly integrate the program into their regular operations because to the platform's flawless rollout approach. Furthermore, the software allows for a large number of words to be included in the daily briefing, making it an ideal tool for those who rely on frequent updates or reports to stay up to date on critical information. Because of its ease of use and capacity to manage vast volumes of data, the program is an efficient and effective alternative for individuals or enterprises wishing to streamline their daily operations.
While I believe the current platform is wonderful in many ways, I hope that more emphasis will be placed on discovering and resolving any bugs or other issues that may arise. Though there is plenty to enjoy about the platform's current features and capabilities, it is clear that more additions and modifications might improve the user experience even further. By prioritizing ongoing bug fixes and other updates, the platform has the potential to become an even more powerful and effective tool for users, helping them to accomplish their goals with more ease and efficiency. Despite these reservations, I am nevertheless pleased by the platform's multiple benefits and believe it has the potential to become an even more valuable resource in the future.
RT Connect - A Comprehensive Solution for Radiation Oncology
Comments: Our experience with RT Connect has been very positive. The systemhas helped us solve several business problems, including streamlining our patient intakeprocess, reducing errors in scheduling and record-keeping, and improving the accuracyand safety of our radiotherapy treatments. We have realized several benefits from usingthe system, including improved efficiency, better patient outcomes, and increasedconfidence in the accuracy of our treatments. Overall, we would highly recommend RTConnect to other radiation oncology practices looking for a comprehensive and userfriendly EHR solution.
There are several features of RT Connect that we have found to be particularlyimpactful. Firstly, the system is very easy to use, with an intuitive interface that makes iteasy to navigate and access information quickly. Additionally, the integration of differentfeatures has made it easy for us to manage patient care from start to finish, reducingerrors and improving efficiency. Finally, the system's ability to double-check thecalculation of the monitor unit in radiotherapy has helped to ensure the accuracy andsafety of our treatments.
While we are generally satisfied with RT Connect, there are a few areas where wefeel improvements could be made. Specifically, we would like to see more customizationoptions for certain features, such as patient intake forms. Additionally, some aspects ofthe system can be difficult to use at times, particularly when it comes to generatingcertain types of reports. Finally, the initial integration with our existing businessprocesses was somewhat challenging, although the RT Connect support team was veryhelpful in guiding us through the process.
Patient Case Manager: RT Connect
Comments: Top-level IT Software product that has revolutionized the entire cancer treatment process with exceptional capabilities for treatment scheduling and support for EHR.
Capabilities to access all patient information in a centralized dashboard. I like how it is complete in its design allowing us to manage and track every step from treatment scheduling, reporting, audit trail and even follow-ups.
It has quite a steep learning curve due to its overwhelming and customizable options.
my opinion
Efficient and safe, with a friendly interface, it allows all patient management from the beginning to the end of the treatment. Highlighting its Treatment Summary functionality , which represents a huge productivity gain for the medical physics team.
2 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion on RT Connect. We're thrilled to hear that you find our software efficient, safe, and user-friendly, allowing for comprehensive patient management from beginning to end of treatment. We're also glad to hear that you find our Treatment Summary functionality to be a huge productivity gain for your medical physics team. Our goal is to provide software that not only meets but exceeds the needs of our users, so it's great to know that we're on the right track. Thank you again for choosing RT Connect, and please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team if you have any further feedback or suggestions. Best regards, RT Medical Systems
Best solution Ever
Comments: Patient technical file is perfectly compatible with normative recommendations. CT processing is very usefull.
Pratical, friendly interface, complete solution, fast support.
Configuring reports isn't intuitive. CT images Imports sometimes fail.
2 years ago
Thank you for your review and feedback! We're glad to hear that RT Connect has been the best solution for you, offering a practical and complete solution with a friendly interface and fast support. We appreciate your input regarding configuring reports and CT image imports, and we'll take that into consideration for future updates. We're also happy to hear that the patient technical file is perfectly compatible with normative recommendations and that CT processing is very useful. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further comments or concerns. Best regards, The RT Medical Systems Team
Usefull and easy to implement in daily routine
It is very easy to use, and save a lot of time in the routine, mainly in the monito unit second verification check. It is not necessary to type all information, they all come from the dicom file from the planning system.
I do not think there are poins that need to be improved nowadays.

easy to use and simple
It provides a comprehensive and full solution to your demands, as well as lightning-fast support services to assure your pleasure.
After careful consideration and evaluation, I have concluded that the current state of affairs appears to be satisfactory, and I do not see any specific areas or aspects that need further refinement, enhancement, or modification to meet my expectations or address any concerns that may have arisen.
Review for RT Connect
The amalgamation of numerous characteristics has enabled us to monitor patient care from start to finish with lesser blunders and higher efficiency.
I do not believe that there are aspects of our current situation that require alteration or enhancement.
RT Connect - A Comprehensive for Radiation Oncology
The integration of different features has made it easy for us to manage patient care from start to finish, reducing errors and improving efficiency.
The integration of different features has made it easy for us to manage patient care from start to finish, reducing errors and improving efficiency.
Great App for patient scheduling
Comments: i am happy to using this for scheduling, hl7 and patient data management.
RT connect is very good plateform for patient schedule and compliance maangement
it is little bit costly. rest everything is good
Rt connect
Comments: Highly recommended
The best features are medical records management by chart it is very innovative and easygoing.
Cons about rt connect is not that much modern dashboard but practical and functional
Comments: Great experience
The best part about RT connect is user interface is very easy to use and user friendly.
There is nothing negative till now i am happy with its performance
Qualidade e agilidade
Comments: Praticidade e agilidade em angariar paciente e melhorias em nosso setor administrativo.
A RT Conect possui atendimento especializado e com transparência. Informa pontos fortes de sua prestação de serviços e demonstra seu diferencial já no primeiro atendimento.
Neste momento ainda não temos nada a pontuar.

RT Connect- A integracao que faltava no departamento de radioterapia e oncologia
Comments: Verificação da ficha técnica, fusão de imagens, RT Pacs, agendamento de pacientes
Os recursos disponíveis no RT Connect permitem usar ferramentas importantes dentro do dia a dia de um departamento de radioterapia como agendamento, verificação de aspectos técnicos do planejamento, fusão de imagens além de outros recursos
A verificação da distribuição de dose no plano tridimensional ainda esta em desenvolvimento, ainda e um ponto de melhoria do software
2 years ago
Obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência com o RT Connect. É ótimo saber que os recursos do software são úteis no dia a dia do departamento de radioterapia e oncologia, como agendamento, verificação de aspectos técnicos do planejamento e fusão de imagens. Nossa equipe de engenharia está trabalhando na melhoria contínua do software, como a verificação da distribuição de dose no plano tridimensional. Obrigado novamente pelo feedback positivo sobre a verificação da ficha técnica, fusão de imagens, RT PACS e agendamento de pacientes. Obrigado; Equipe RT Medical Systems
RT Connect
O produto é de fácil utilização em todas as camadas o que otimiza a rotina dos usuários.
De forma geral não temos problemas com o desempenho ou execução das funcionalidades adquiridas pela RT.
Perfeito e prático no dia a dia. Recomendo a todos interessados.
Comments: Pratico e usual no ambiente de trabalho.
Praticidade. Facil no uso diário, completo pois permite fazer APACS dos pacientes e entregar ao setor destinado do hospital.
Instabilidade no sistema às vezes, acaba prejudicando nossa rotina diária, mas isso por muitas vezes por instabilidade de internet e não do sistema.
2 years ago
Olá! Agradecemos pelo seu feedback e ficamos felizes em saber que o RT Connect tem sido uma ferramenta prática e útil no seu dia a dia. Lamentamos pelos momentos em que a instabilidade do sistema atrapalhou a sua rotina, mas estamos sempre trabalhando para melhorar a estabilidade e o desempenho do nosso produto. Agradecemos também por recomendar o RT Connect para outros interessados, estamos sempre à disposição para ajudar no que for necessário.
RT Connect - Agilidade e Confiança
Comments: Excelente, de grande aprendizado e contribuição.
Intuitivo, seguro, excelente na rotina da empresa.
Não tenho ponto a destacar, pois o sistema é melhorado constantemente com base nos feedbacks e melhorias necessárias do dia a dia.
Excelente software
Comments: Excelente
Praticidade e eficiência, software acessível, bem completo para o funcionamento da instituição
Produto de fácil uso, armazena com segurança os dados de pacientes
2 years ago
Obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência positiva com o RT Connect. É ótimo saber que nosso software está atendendo às suas expectativas em termos de praticidade e eficiência. Além disso, estamos felizes em saber que você está satisfeito com a segurança dos dados do paciente e a completude do software para o funcionamento de sua instituição. Agradecemos por escolher o RT Connect como seu software de gestão de saúde e estamos à disposição para ajudá-la em qualquer necessidade futura.

Excelente software de radioterapia
Utilizo para a verificação do cálculo de unidade monitora, e impressão de ficha de tratamento do paciente. Ele é de fácil utilização e muito intuitivo. Prático e eficiente.
Em raras ocasiões problemas de conexão com o servidor
A facilidade para realizar a calibração e fusão das imagens.
Alguns erros nas ferramentas, principalmente relacionado a zoom.
2 years ago
Agradecemos por compartilhar sua avaliação sobre o RT Connect. É ótimo saber que você achou fácil realizar a calibração e fusão das imagens. No entanto, lamentamos que tenha encontrado alguns erros nas ferramentas, especialmente relacionados ao zoom. Queremos que saiba que levamos todos os comentários de nossos usuários a sério e estamos sempre trabalhando para melhorar nosso software. Iremos avaliar suas sugestões e trabalhar em maneiras de melhorar a experiência do usuário. Agradecemos novamente por escolher o RT Connect e estamos à disposição para ajudá-lo em qualquer dúvida ou problema. Atenciosamente, A equipe RT Medical Systems
Recomendação RT
Comments: Estou satisfeito com o RT connect pela rapidez e eficiência.
Produto de fácil usabilidade e muito intuitivo.
Estou satisfeito, possui os recursos que necessito no cotidiano laboral.
2 years ago
Agradecemos seu feedback positivo sobre o RT Connect! Ficamos felizes em saber que o software atende suas necessidades de usabilidade e é intuitivo. Nossa equipe trabalha constantemente para oferecer a melhor experiência possível aos usuários. Esperamos continuar atendendo suas expectativas e proporcionando rapidez e eficiência no seu cotidiano laboral. Obrigado por escolher o RT Connect!
Avaliação de qualidade
Comments: Serviço de qualidade
A disponibilidade e os produtos e a prestação de serviços
Conexão e como ela pode ser melhorada durante o uso