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About iBabs
Elevate board management with iBabs: user-friendly, advanced security, efficient decision-making and cost-effective.
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Great board portal
Comments: I am a very satisfied user, the tool is very intuitive and user friendly. I also have pleasant experiences with the iBabs team, and I’ve found that whenever I contact the support team they are always helpful and friendly. I’m happy to recommend iBabs to anyone.
The Actions tracking feature is the one that comes to mind first. Since our team started to use iBabs we’ve noticed a huge improvement in meeting follow up. Actions no longer get lost in the minutes because we all have full visibility on the list of open action items. The other great thing is how smooth meeting prep has become. It’s really easy to annotate my papers and share my notes with my colleagues.
It can be impractical to hold meetings when there are other organisations involved that don’t use iBabs themselves
Alternatives Considered:
iBabs - changing the way meeting are held
Comments: The experience was seemless from the initial conversations, through implementation, set up, training and rolling out to our team. We had an extremely smooth transition, with everyone on board very quickly.
I loved iBabs from day one, the portal is so easy to administer, whether that be setting users, agendas, meetings, uploading, previewing packs, the transition was pretty seemless and the benefits evident from day one. From a users point of view again, once logged in, you cannot go wrong, the ability to share and annotate is a major plus point.
I really do not think their is anything that I do not like....
Good App for Paperless Meetings
Comments: We managed to save thousands of paper prints every month thanks to iBabs. That means better for the environment, less paper to shred and a more secure way of dealing with information.
The app enables us to save on paper and printing costs which is good for the environment. Using the web app, meetings can be prepared, complete with agenda and attachments. You can make separate lists with action items and decisions, and link these to the meetings. This makes it a good searchable archive as well. In the meeting, you can use a tablet or smartphone device with a dedicated app that makes annotating and viewing easy.
The Windows 10 app is slowly getting on par with the other platforms. Usually an iPad is a better choice during the meeting. The navigation in the app is sometimes not very intuitive.
Alternatives Considered:
Great board portal
Comments: We use it throughout the organisation. Our previous board portal was only used by our board but now the benefits of a board portal is used through all managementlayers. The whole administrative process around the meetings like minutes, decision lists and so on are made easy with iBabs as well.
We have been using another board portal in the past. The ease of use and flexibility of iBabs is incredible! We can mange the whole environment ourselves and grant exactly the rights people need.
To be honest, nothing is disappointing thus far.

Easy to use, professional, time saving tool
Comments: Easy to set up, easy to use, feels professional and I love that I can add things to the agenda as I remember them, so the agendas can be filled out well in advance.
We save time and always have the most recent version of any document available. We no longer have to send documents around to all participants. Data is store securely behind Multi-factor authentication and can be digitally signed making us fully digital.
Very little con, would have liked a multi-day agenda that spans multiple days instead of having to create a new agenda for each day.
iBabs review
Comments: Very positive. Made my job a lot easier.
Makes being a Company Secretary much more straightforward. Gives capacity for more focus on the content of papers.
Password re-set glitches. Can work around it though.
My great experience with iBabs.
Comments: My experience with this product is excellent. It makes my job easier, making me more productive throughout the day.
Preparing agenda for our meetings, is the most impactful features, making it easy for colleagues to access. Integration with our existing business processes was a walk in the park.
At the moment there is no feature with needs to be improved. This product is client friendly.
Ibabs indispensable
Comments: Organizing meetings, sharing agenda's, streaming presentations, screensharing can be doen fluently.
Easy to use and reliable. Contains all the necessary features.
Changing between documents in an agenda. But thi has been improved upon in teh last update.
Does what is needs to do, without flaws
I’m using iBabs on a weekly basis. The software never lets me down, loading speeds are really good and it’s able to handle our extremely large PDF files well. Using it on my iPad and Macbook at the same time, the sync is stellar.
Overall happy with the options, it requires the entire team to embrace going paperless to be effective.

Paperless meetings and archive possibilities
climate and environment friendly software
Connection to other software packages or outlook
iBabs is what you need to implement a structured and efficient meeting process
It's very easy and quick to work with. The look and feel is very good, both from laptop as from tablet.
I can't imagine anything. The regular updates ensure an up-to-date product with constant improvements.
Very Helpful Software
Comments: We use this for most if not all of our meetings, it is extremely easy for us to file share and make sure all of the correct people have access.
I find Ibabs really easy to use - I like the fact that they offer a webinar to help navigate all of the upcoming changes. We use this company wide and it is very helpful for all of our meetings
There is not anything that springs to mind, we do not use for the most complicated of reasons but what we need it for, it works really well
Revelation in dissemination of Board packs
Comments: Our experience with iBabs has been nothing but professional with top class support services and certainly gives us value for money.
iBabs is a secure, fast and efficient way of preparing and distributing Board documentation. Easy to use and saves a huge amount of time in administration tasks.If you have not moved from hard copy board packs now is the time!
We have found iBabs extremely easy to use and have no particular areas that we don't like.
Review of iBabs Board Management Software
Comments: My overall experience with iBabs has so far been excellent. The use of the system has saved me considerable time in meeting preparation and management. All feedback from users has been positive. Any support required from iBabs has been very responsive and they have been able to answer my queries.
The simplicity of the software is very intuitive and it was very easy to get up and running. Use of the system to prepare meeting packs has saved a lot of preparation time and packs can be updated and republished easily. Minutes are taken via the system and actions and decisions can be easily recorded and assigned to individuals who receive a notification to this effect. These are then easily exported into separate documents.
It takes a bit of getting used to ensuring excel documents are imported into the pack fully. Ensuring these are saved as PDF documents before importing has helped this.
Transformational software
Comments: We are moving from a paper based platform in favour of iBabs. So far, everyone involved at iBabs has been superb, we hope our relationship continues for many years to come
IBabs is so easy to use. The fact that the software can be used on any device via the app both on and offline is essential for our end users, as it means that they can view their documents whilst travelling.
It would be handy if the administrators could have a button that translates to an end users view of agendas.
We used the software across the organisation for meetings. It has also been used at board level, this software is already in use throughout the company. I had never heard of a meeting management tool before, but this tool has saved us all a lot of time and especially paper by not having to print anything, not having to prepare papers in advance and being prepared for the meeting. Very good functionality and features for taking notes during the meeting, history of meetings held. There is an option to share documents where the process is secure, so even sensitive documents can be shared and access permissions can be set. There is also a notification feature in case of any updates or changes. The deployment was very fast and there was no problem with integration. Support responds very quickly within hours.
I would welcome the ability to connect to, for example, Outlook and other office applications, sometimes there was a problem with Windows 10 meeting display, on the tablet everything worked as it should. I didn't find any other drawbacks and as far as meeting management apps go I don't have another favourite.
Great product
Incredibly simple to use, does everything well, constantly adding features and great support who are easy to access and work with.
Better access to a support page so I don't have to email.
Helps run efficient board meetings
- Makes board meetings really efficient, great functionality for that - I do like especially the ease of use, always #1 importance in my view if you are dependent on external users - Saves paper, therefore also does good for the environment
Not as suited for Windows environment as for iOS. Most people in our board have no issue at all with that as Apple users, I do from time to time. ;-)
Ibabs maakt onze vergaderingen efficiënter
Comments: Ibabs is een gebruiksvriendelijk en betaalbaar systeem, het beheer is eenvoudig en Ibabs heeft een goede helpdesk. Starten met Ibabs is erg eenvoudig en gebruikers wennen snel aan de nieuwe manier van voorbereiden en vergaderen.
Ibabs is overzichtelijk en heeft een goede zoekfunctie. De functionaliteiten voor het digitaal ondertekenen van documenten en de koppeling met Sharepoint voor het toevoegen van documenten maken het systeem voor ons zeer efficiënt. Daarnaast is de helpdesk van Ibabs toegankelijk en denkt mee met de klant.
Doordat je webbased werkt moet je eraan denken om tussendoor alle wijzigingen goed op te slaan, anders kun je documenten of aantekeningen kwijtraken (als bijvoorbeeld je internet verbinding tussendoor wegvalt).
Review gemeente Rijswijk
Gebruiksvriendelijk en overzichtelijk. Voor gebruikers en beheerders.
Vooralsnog geen nadelen kunnen constateren.
Handige vergadertool
Comments: Eenvoudig te gebruiken en voor iedereen toepasbaar
Alle stukken binnen handbereik zowel online als offline
Geen minpunten. tevreden tot op heden
Fijn systeem om papierloos te vergaderen
Comments: Positief. Kijk wel uit naar de mogelijkheden als archief functie
Simpel agenda’s te maken. Routing door bestuur en ondertekening. Iedereen altijd de juiste stukken, vooral handig bij nagekomen stukken en nieuwe deelnemers
Geen archieffunctie, daardoor geen optimale benutting van ondertekening. Nodig om aan regels provinciaal archief te voldoen. Jammer dat stukken niet rechtstreeks uit mail kunnen worden toegevoegd
IBabs moeiteloze efficiëntie
Comments: Wij vergaderen al geruime tijd met dit programma naar ieders tevredenheid en willen dit breder inzetten
Deze moeiteloze efficiëntie van Ibabs - is echt de jsleutel tot georganiseerd en papierloos vergaderen, snel en, simple in de basis en alle documenten geborgd
Nog geen gevonden, nog veel niet ontdekt
Review gebruik iBabs
Comments: Door iBabs heeft iedereen dezelfde vergaderstukken en zijn ze up-to-date.Verder gebruiken we iBabs ook voor het publiceren van stukken in het kader van de Woo.
iBabs werkt echt super fijn, maar eigenlijk vinden we iBabs een stuk minder gebruiksvriendelijk sinds de laatste release.Verder vind ik het erg jammer dat deze enquête in het engels wordt, dus ik vul deze verder niet in. Volgens mij zijn we gericht op het Nederlands binnen iBabs en zijn jullie een Nederlands bedrijf. Zeker de vragen op de vorige bladzijde zijn naar mijn idee niet eens relevant.
Zoals boven genoemd, het is minder overzichtelijk als eerst.
Ibabs is ideaal om vergaderingen mee te houden
Je kunt actiepunten en besluiten in 1 programma bijhouden. Ideaal!
Wachtwoord verloopt snel. Af en toe voer ik het juiste wachtwoord in maar krijg dan een werkt melding. Na twee keer proberen lukt het dan wel